What Does Cloudy Water Mean?

Cloudy Water

Have you ever filled up a glass of water and noticed that it looks cloudy or milky? If so, chances are you didn’t worry too much about it because the water cleared up after a few seconds. Cloudy water is often caused by the pipes that deliver it being under a lot of pressure. More likely, it’s caused by tiny air bubbles in the water itself.

The good news is that cloudy or white water is harmless if it’s caused by air bubbles. This condition is more likely to occur during the winter months. Cold water can hold more air than warm water, which can produce those air bubbles when you fill up your glass.

While your water is in pipes it’s under a certain amount of pressure which causes it to hold more air. As soon as it comes out of the tap, it’s no longer under the same pressure and produces bubbles similar to a carbonated drink. All you really need to do is let the water sit in an open container until the bubbles disappear and the water clears up.

There are other reasons why your water may appear cloudy, and those may require some treatment. Tiny particles from rocks, sand, and dirt can also get trapped in your water supply. They are typically harmless although not aesthetically pleasing. Allow your water to sit undisturbed. If the water does not clear up, particles are likely the source. You can have your water treated with a sediment filter to remove the particles.

Although it’s quite rare, methane gas can also cause water to be cloudy. This can actually make your water flammable and can be difficult to detect. In this case, your water should be aerated. While cloudy water is usually harmless, you don’t want to take any chances when it comes to your family’s health. Schedule a free water analysis with Schultz Soft Water today by calling 320-251-4100.